โ๏ธForest School First Aid
Level 3 – Forest School Leader
Chopping Block Workshop
Principles and holistic approach to learning and development
1.1 Theories of learning and development and their relevance to Forest School
1.1 Key principles of Forest School
1.1 Examples of Forest School encouraging:
* Self Esteem (internal)
* Confidence (external)
* Emotional Intelligence
* Resilience
* Spiritual Development
* Creativity
* Independent Learning
1.1 Key characteristics of play
1.1 Integrating play and choice into Forest School sessions
1.1 Summarise factors affecting behaviour, their impact on learning and development and ways of encouraging appropriate behaviour
Task 2 – Reflective essay
2.1 Outline the development of Forest School in the UK and locally – (Ernest Cook Trust, FSA South West, Glos Forest School Network)
2.1 Evaluate one piece of research
2.2ย Assess the Ecological impact of Forest School on your site – IMPACT MATRIX (righ-click, save file)
2.2 Use this assessment to create a three year sustainability management plan for your own setting
2.3 Forest School Handbook (a list of quality examples)
Please see the Classroom area for an up to date template
CONTENTS (suggested)
โ Front cover – (My setting Forest School Handbook July 2018)
4.1 Compare structure and biodiversity of native broad leaf and coniferous ecosystems
4.2 Why is Flora and Fauna identification important as a FS Leader?
4.3 Identification key
4.4 Explain how you will involve participants in sustainable woodland management
4.5 Describe woodland management methods and their significance to sustainability in FS
5.1 – Assessed during Skills Days
5.2 – Portfolio of evidence