Adobe-Spark-2-300x169 Forest School For All

Forest School for all

Why choose us? We created Inspired Forest School training to offer an alternative to some of the other training providers in the country. A vision of Forest School for all! Our team have always been practitioners working with children of all ages for the last decade.


logo-1-1-2-150x150 Forest School For AllDuring this time we have experienced the successes and pitfalls that high quality Forest School creates. We have first hand experience of solving these issues. And, as qualified teachers we wanted to pass on our knowledge and understanding of linking the curriculum.

Our dreams are to make outdoor learning the norm in all settings and for it to be almost frowned upon if a nursery or school is not providing it. Forest School for all opportunities and for high quality outdoor learning.


So in order to give you the best possible start in your Forest School journey we have 29815021724_6c018be7d4_z-150x150 Forest School For Allcustomised what we do. We considered the best elements of training and formed our model of Leader qualification. With us you will have receive a course that includes small group sizes. There will be a focus on building confidence with tools and risks so you are ready to inspire. At every turn a dedicated tutor will follows your journey so you can achieve. This starts on the first day and continues to the final full stop in your coursework. The Inspired Forest School Leaders Networkย is a community of like minded people. Most importantly to us, you can train in a working setting, alongside children. It makes sense.

Let’s inspire together!

Sports Premium funding

Level 3 :: Forest School Leader Training

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