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tried Forest School Kit List

divider Forest School Kit List

|Whittling | Fire Lighting | Cooking | Den building | Tools | Books | Other essentials |


forest-school-shop Forest School Kit List


Here is a comprehensive Forest School Leader kit list. All of the equipment here has been put to the test by the most important customers in Forest School, the children!

This Forest School kit is used daily and has been selected by a team of Forest School Leaders alongside the children who take part in sessions. 

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

We are constantly adding to and amending our list to ensure that you are offered the best quality in this Forest School shop Any questions, just drop us an email: [email protected]

divider Forest School Kit List

|Whittling | Fire Lighting | Cooking | Den building | Tools | Books | Other essentials |

divider Forest School Kit List


popular Forest School Kit List

whittlinglabel Forest School Kit List
Whittling – to carve into an object, usually wood, repeatedly cutting small slices with a knife or blade

Using the best, sharpest equipment provides Forest School users with the best chance to achieve in their small, achievable tasks. That is why we recommend the use of high quality kit.

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Y Peeler for young hands

Using a Y-Peeler allows those with less control and strength in their wrists to still achieve. It also provides progression in whittling.
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Wood Carving Block

48 wood carving blocks, cut to size to fit little hands.
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Spoon Carving Kit

Our wood carving tool kit covers all the needs: to carve spoons & sharpen and polish spoon carving knife & to carve bowls or cups, or kuksas of different sizes and round edges & delicate wood cutting & whittling & roughing wood out.
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Spoon Carving Blanks

Blanks for use with a spoon carving knife. You could cut these yourself, but for this price they are a bargain.
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Sharpening Stone

Silicon carbide Fine and medium grades Supplied in box Intended for sharpening all types of tools and knives Suitable for benchtop use
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Draw Knife

Draw Knife as seen working with Saw Horse. This sharp tool has two handles and is a great way to advance whittling
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This tool was recommended to us, and demonstrated by Charles of Touchwood Crafts. Imagine a situation where you need to hold some wood tightly to drill/saw. A clamp is quick, simple to use and robust
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Designed for woodcarving with a thin tapered edge of laminated steel, oiled birchwood handle complete with plastic storage case.
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If Opinel is the only name for you when you whittle, then this sharp lock-knife is the one to add to your kit list. We prefer to use the Mora knives at our setting, but many visiting Forest School Leaders have commented that the Opinel is the one for them - your choice!
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Are you ready to take your wood crafting skills to another level? This book is perfect to give you and your students the ideas needed to take your whittling to its next stage. Please share your pictures of what you create!
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Keep your knife locked away in a box that you only have the key for. It fits inside the toolbox too. This is not a requirement, but useful if you want to take out just your knives and not the entire tool box.
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Use this sandpaper to keep your tools looking their best. We use this after every whittling session to keep the blades sharp
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This Mora knife is made in Sweden and used by the local children as they take part in whittling (as seen in the video). The choice of tool is up to you and your setting.
spooncarvingknife Forest School Kit List


If your whittling has advanced, and you would like to take on the next challenge, then a spoon carving knife if the next step for you.
rightsizedriggers Forest School Kit List


Glove too small, gloves not tough enough…we’ve tried them all. We found that these gloves are a good size to fit small hands but also those with bigger hands. These are suitable for KS1, KS2 and adults
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Having tried a number of brands and materials, we prefer the wooden handle and quality blade of this peeler. The handle is also thinner than some, perfect for smaller hands needing good grip when whittling.

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cookinglabel Forest School Kit List
Cooking – the practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.

Forest School is a wonderful opportunity to cook outside and provide students with the skills to utilise their skills at fire lighting. With a range of tools that are fit for purpose, the Forest School Leader can enable learners to achieve by progressing the outcomes from a marshmallow to bread.

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Grandpa’s Marshmallow Firefork

The safest way to heat marshmallows is with the Light My Fire Firefork. The swedes have done it again and mastered it. Keep the mallow on the metal, so less chance of injury.
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Fish/Meat/Veg grill

As used by Ilea at The Inspired FS Conference 2019, this grill will sit nicely over two bricks, cooking over the embers of a fire. Let us know how you get on!
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Spitfire Telescopic Blow Tube

Get the air exactly where you need it to complete the fire triangle and get a successful fire going. Great and compact too!
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Little Kelly Kettle

If you're not wanting to boil so much water, and get a few of the accessories as part of the price, then this mini Kelly is more for you.
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Complete Kelly Kettle Kit

We are talking the ultimate 1.6L kettle with all the accessories you could EVER wish for.
trangia Forest School Kit List

Terrific (to cook on) Trangia

The full kit with kettle, burner, pans etc. This is what the Scandinavians use when they are out and need to cook anywhere, any weather, any time. Reliable and durable, this lightweight bit of kit is worth introducing with older students.
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Priced around one pound, these small, strong metal sieves are the right size and weight for a home-made popcorn maker. Use a smaller stick and allow a few to cook around the fire at the same time.
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Muurikka Griddle Pan

This wonderful griddle pan from Finland is a staple in Scandinavian gardens, offering cooking over an open fire on a larger scale. Treat the pan like cast iron, baking vegetable oil in to produce a dark patina (non stick) and provide long life.
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Highest quality FDA APPROVED power welded forks use Non-Toxic 18/8 304 STAINLESS STEEL to ensure no rusting & safe roasting. These are perfect for cooking damper, marshmallows, toast, sausages...
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A cast iron over fire grill for use when cooking on a fire. This product is high quality, made of cast iron for durability and would be a wonderful addition to a Forest School kit list
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This over the fire grill is strong, folds up nicely and can be used to cook over a fire at a regulated height. Perfect for korv (swedish for sausage) and many other small, achievalbe cooking tasks.
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At 870mm diameter this fire pit is perfect for use in a Forest School setting where a permanent Fire Pit area is not an option.
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A pair of these is vital for your fire lighting tub. These can withstand serious heat and so can be used to move pots and pans and logs too
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A tripod will allow you to cook using the Dutch Oven and hang a kettle too. Not an essential, but makes cooking much easier!
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What shall we cook today. Nettle tea, bread, soup, even tye dye t-shirts. This works best with a tripod or a grill to keep it off the fire
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Perfect for cooking on the open fire and easy to clean. Remember to read the instructions on how to care for this versatile product.
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Simply the fastest way to boil water and a fun way to use fire. This is not the more expensive version with pans and cups. but this is really all you need! The base is perfect for fire lighting without a fire pit.

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denbuildlabel Forest School Kit List

Den Building – the lair or shelter of a wild animal, especially a predatory mammal or an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling
Using high quality tarpaulins, of a usable size, and a good choice of rope/string, a Forest School Leader can provide participants with the kit needed to construct a good den. Offering images of potential tarp configurations can promote more successful outcomes.
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Den Book

“ Here’ s a book that will bring the “ great” back into the great outdoors.” Michael Morpurgo on Run Wild.
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Pink Paracord

Easy to see and collect in. Maintain a minimal impact of your setting, whilst using a tough resource for those jobs that require it. 100m
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Net hammock

Easy to use, tie together to make a larger area and durable. Add as a layer of progression
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A 3 metre x 3 metres waterproof, light-weight and high quality tarp. This order includes the guy lines and pegs for creating dens and shelters. Most importantly, it is GREEN so it blends in with nature. Blue is so last year!
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A natural product - made from hemp - that you can use as an alternative to para cord for knots in Forest School. This will also biodegrade and is more obvious due to its colour
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Choose from these tarps to find a size that fits you and your setting. Too large and the children will find them hard to work with. Too small and they may prove
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We have owned a couple of these for a long time now. Easy to assemble and take down and comfy to use.
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These nets are great for a number of purposes including den building and creation of spaces for the children to enjoy. They also cover up unsightly equipment quickly and easily!
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This extra strong rope can be used in a number of situations. Always be aware that it blends in with surroundings and can be a hazard if tied at head height – always risk aware! ?

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toolslabel Forest School Kit List

Tools – a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.
Forest School without risk taking opportunities is just not the real thing! Here we list the tool that we use with our child, aged 3 and upwards, with varying levels of support. Once they gain our trust, the tools provide wonderful chances to grow confidence and build resilience.
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Pyrography :: Wood burning tool (Gas)

Allows you to burn wood in the woods (butane gas). Alternatively you could ask them to write on their work in pencil and you burn it for them 🙂
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Hold the Hand Drill

High quality hand drill with chuck and three 'jaws' to clamp. This will work with the hex drill bits listed on the site, for use with the electric model.
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Precise Pin Hammer

Lightweight, in-expensive hammer to use with small nails and pins. Knock into wood, metal lids for hand eye co-ordination.
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Tough Tenon Saw

Useful for smaller hands. This small, 12inch saw, can be used to cut wood. Sharp, but easier for 1:1 use than a bow saw.
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Simple to change with no chuck for you or the students to have to tighten, these drill bits are designed for drilling. The point on the end of the bits enables them to remain stable from the beginning.
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If hand drills aren't for you and your setting then think about an electric drill. The slow speed allows control and precision when drilling with your students and the bits that come with it allow you to double up as a screwdriver.
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A different product to the one used on training, but this is a higher spec - Sandvik blade. It also boasts anon-stick clade coating helps blade glide thorough even the most difficult materials and a Bahco XT toothing that cuts in both directions.
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Fiskars, the trusted Swedish brand, have produced this popular axe and knife sharpening tool that is both easy to use and store.
mallet Forest School Kit List


A rubber mallet to bang in steaks, use with 'Billy Billhook' and for knocking pegs into the ground. A heavy bit of kit for the kids to use, but a necessity as a leader.
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Fiskars Smart Fit is a great multi-purpose pruner for pruning thicker and thinner branches. A great price for a quality product and always useful in your toolkit
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Keep your tools nice and sharp the professional way. Use this stone to maintain tools and make them easier to use.
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Use a padlock to keep your tool box locked safe. These simple padlocks fit onto the box nicely and use a three digit code for quick access and locking.
toolbox Forest School Kit List


This toolbox is strong, secure, large and waterproof. You can place a padlock on to make sure that it complies with safety standards regarding storage of tools. Please be aware that the larger sized bow saw listed on this page will not fit inside this box.
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Use this sandpaper to keep your tools looking their best. We use this after every whittling session to keep the blades sharp
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Just the job for splitting logs for kindling or preparing some tinder sticks for fire lighting. A quality name and a sturdy product.
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A perfect friend to help you to clear the Forest School site, chop smaller branches into whittling lengths or prepare sticks for kindling. The children enjoy pushing an arm each and observing the power of the loppers!
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Pull, pull, pull. This light-weight bow saw is just the right size for two to use when sawing wood. It comes complete with a blade cover and you can replace the blade to keep it sharp and safe to use.
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A billhook can be used effectively as a coppicing tool as well as for splitting wood in the traditional Forest School way. This tool does not come with a sheath, but a length of hose could be used (although we don't use one as it lives in our tool box).


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firelabel Forest School Kit List

Fire -a collection of fuel, especially coal or wood, burnt in a controlled way to provide heat or a means for cooking.
Fire lighting has allowed man to reach the level of society we have today. Correctly used, it can provide fantastic learning situations and become, as one child told me the other day, ‘nature’s T.V’. Once students have mastered cotton wool, move on to find natural tinder, such as birch bark, to enhance their experiences.
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Grandpa’s Marshmallow Firefork

The safest way to heat marshmallows is with the Light My Fire Firefork. The swedes have done it again and mastered it. Keep the mallow on the metal, so less chance of injury.
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Light My Fire :: Swedish Fire Steel

The highest of quality, purchase yourself a Light My Fire Swedish Fire Steel with 12,000 strikes.
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Fire Piston

Offer progression in fire lighting with the fire piston. A simple an effective way to start a fire with an ember.
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Spitfire Telescopic Blow Tube

Get the air exactly where you need it to complete the fire triangle and get a successful fire going. Great and compact too!
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Complete Kelly Kettle Kit

We are talking the ultimate 1.6L kettle with all the accessories you could EVER wish for.
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Breathtaking Bow-Drill

Looking to extend your participants with fire lighting? Or even your own skills! Be aware that this will take some work (so a medium, achievable task).
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Built to endure and the perfect size for a small fire in a setting. This is a heavy object, so not something to transport to and from the site.
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Muurikka Griddle Pan

This wonderful griddle pan from Finland is a staple in Scandinavian gardens, offering cooking over an open fire on a larger scale. Treat the pan like cast iron, baking vegetable oil in to produce a dark patina (non stick) and provide long life.
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Wood contains water. If you are looking for the best wood for a fire, you need wood that has less than 20% water content. This tool will instantly tell you the % water content of any stick or log. Use this to sort wood in your setting and help create success around the fire pit.
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Eco friendly, naturally based fire lighters approved by the Forest Stewardship Council. If your fire needs a little help to get going, but you don't want to use petrol based firelighters then these are a wonderful, albeit more expensive, alternative. They are also safe to handle as they ar made from vegetable fats.
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At 870mm diameter this fire pit is perfect for use in a Forest School setting where a permanent Fire Pit area is not an option.
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Buy them in bulk and never be without a bag, simple as that. Not Halal approved.
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Ensure that you have one of these next to your fire pit at all times.
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Simply the fastest way to boil water and a fun way to use fire. This is not the more expensive version with pans and cups. but this is really all you need! The base is perfect for fire lighting without a fire pit.
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Orange, so easy to see when left on the ground. There also have comfortable thumb spaces and a long cord. #topquality
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Fuss Free Cotton Wool

A big bag of fluffy tinder to use when fire lighting. It is always worth buying a few bags as they are cheap, perfect for the job and easy to store.

essentials Forest School Kit List

Essential – fundamental or central to the nature of something or someone.
This list of tools, equipment and some random items has been created as a reference to pick and choose from. Of course, what is essential in one setting wont be useful in another. Click and read the description of the items, and if you need further details about their use, just email us! 
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Air Dry Clay

Air-dry clay. This huge bag is one to keep at your side ready for tree faces, blobsters (read Chris Holland's book), jewellery making, leaf prints.....
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A hand puppet is always a nice addition to your Forest School setting. Which will you choose? And what will it be called?
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Tuff Tray - great for mixing mud in a setting without a mud pit, using flour to practice letters and numbers etc. It is TOUGH (as suggested).
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Stronger plastic than some and a magnifying glass that remains attached to the lid making it easier to locate.
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Kubb is traditional Scandi game where the aim is to knock over the wooden blocks by throwing the battons. Buy an example kit and then craft your own through small, achievable tasks. #kubb
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Trail Camera

Find out which creatures visit your Forest School setting during the night (or day) with this useful camera trap. Easy to set-up .
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Outdoor/indoor thermometer

The Scandi way is always to know the temperature outside and THEN judge what layers are appropriate. With this inexpensive tool, you can promote this so everyone is following the saying - 'There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes.'
magnify Forest School Kit List


4 large, strong magnifying glasses to get a close up view of mini beasts
bat Forest School Kit List


These wonderful tools allow you to identify and hear the wonders of echolocation as the bats communicate and hunt in the darkness.
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Increase the chances of finding reptiles in your Forest School area with this corrugated bitumen roofing panel, used by professionals when surveying reptiles. The product is non toxic and should be sited in a sunny spot to attract reptiles. Please use a stick to lift the panel gently in case of snakes.
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Stainless steel vacuum jug to keep water hot for that all important hot chocolate treat. You can also use this to store soup, cold water or squash to warm for a chat at basecamp.
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Buy these in a bulk pack to save costs and always have a few in your First Aid bag at the ready.
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Use a whistle that makes a different noise to the otheres. Very easy for the children to hear above all of the fun and learning that is going on.
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Keep your tools nice and sharp the professional way. Use this stone to maintain tools and make them easier to use.
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Walkie Talkies are a great bit of kit for that quick communication with those indoors. It makes you feel more confident as a leader and enables ‘those inside’ to contact you without coming outside. **BUY THE BATTERIES TOO AS THEY DO NOT COME WITH IT 🙂
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Use a padlock to keep your tool box locked safe. These simple padlocks fit onto the box nicely and use a three digit code for quick access and locking.
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These nets are great for a number of purposes including den building and creation of spaces for the children to enjoy. They also cover up unsightly equipment quickly and easily!
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We use these to store first aid kits, gloves for tools use and even blindfolds. Different colours for each and they can all stay out even if it rains. If the listed item is still out of stock then scroll down and select a different colour.
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These plastic containers are durable and perfect to carry out all of your whittling or fire kit in one go!
sunprint Forest School Kit List


Transfer nature onto paper with this small, achievable task. It is a wonder to see what can be created by some leaves, sticks and conkers
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A large (heavy) bag of air dry clay for Blobster making, Tree Face creating, jewelery making or whatever else the children think of. Lasts a long time.
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Used when fire lighting, this pad not only provides comfort for the user but also defines the fire lighting stations around a fire pit.
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100m of blue rope won’t go far, but offers a clear and visible boundary for the children and you to work with. It is also great when rolled onto an old hose pipe reel for quick use.

books Forest School Kit List

Books – fundamental or central to the nature of something or someone.

There are books and then there a books that are worth reading. Here we list the books that have helped us, and our student Forest School Leaders, on the journey. They are full of easy to read ideas and factual theory behind the Forest School ethos.

Many of these books can be previewed for free via the following KindleUnlimited link:

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Basecamp Book : The Listening Walk

Put on your socks and shoes--and don't forget your ears! We're going on a listening walk. Shhhhh.
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Not A Stick

A beautifully designed book, celebrating the power of the imagination to transform even the most ordinary of objects into something magical.
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Fika : The Swedish art of having a break

As we continue to promote awareness of mental health, and the 'art' of Fika, you might be interested in learning more about this compulsory Skandi event. No choice, you must take fika! 🙂
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Little Book Of Hygge

The Little Book of Hygge is the definitive, must-read introduction to hygge, written by Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen.
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Danish Art Of Whittling : Snitte

Step by step guide, with pictures to complete simple and traditional whittling projects from Scandinavia.
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…made things out of tree

Robert Penn cut down an ash tree to see how many things could be made from it. After all, ash is the tree we have made the greatest and most varied use of over the course of human history.
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Whittling For Kids

With more than fifty activities at levels for beginners and up, children can create something useful, beautiful or fun (often all three!) out of wood.
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Forest Crafts

Following this are 20 projects, with simple step-by-step instructions accompanied by photographs and useful tips. Dotted throughout are interesting nuggets of information about woodland folklore.
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Forest School : Early Years

Outdoor learning continues to play an essential role in early years education, and this new edition of a bestselling book explores how the Forest School approach can be easily and effectively incorporated into early years practice.
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Outdoor Classroom : Ages 3-7

Following a month-by-month format, it explores theme-related play experiences, planning, evaluations of how the ideas described were carried out.
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Forest School In Practice

beautiful full-colour book by Forest School expert and teacher Sara Knight that inspires and encourages individuals of all ages to take an innovative approach to outdoor play and learning.
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Planning In The Moment

This book embraces the concept of planning "in the moment" and emphasises the critical role of the adult in promoting child-led learning.
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Forest School And Autism

For those coming from a mainstream Forest School background, the author offers an introduction to autism and shows what Forest School can offer people with autism.
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I love my World :: Chris Holland

The king of outdoor ideas is Chris Holland. Many imitate him, but this book is original and full of passion for nature.
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Knot Know How

This beautiful full-colour book covers knots, splices and whippings. It begins with the ten knots everyone should know.
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Natural Mindfulness

An easy-to-use guide that offers a Natural and Mindful path back to yourself. Written by creator of Natural Mindfulness, Ian Banyard.
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A Year Of Forest School

A brand new book from the publishers of another title we highly recommend. This new publication was released in May 2018 and is full of the best ideas, laid out in a way that makes sense. #topbook
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FOREST SCHOOL ADVENTURE : Play ideas for children

Learn how to light a fire without matches, build a shelter to sleep in, cook on a fire, hunt for bugs and much more. From essential bushcraft basics and Stone Age survival skills to joyful outdoor play, this book is packed with ideas to bring your little ones closer to nature and all its magical offerings.
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Hoot Owl :: Teaching resilience

Hoot Owl by Sean Taylor is a fun book to be enjoyed by children of all ages with a strong message of resilience. Have a look at the 'Look Inside' option on Amazon and enjoy sharing this wonderful story with your group.
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Developing a Forest School in Early Years Provision

This book explains what 'Forest School' really means and combines theory with practice on the importance of play and risk. It is an invaluable training manual for those studying to be a Forest School leader or practitioner and includes case studies from professionals.
101things Forest School Kit List

101 Things for Kids to do Outside

Packed with games, projects, crafts, experiments and gardening inspiration, 101 Things for Kids to do Outside will have your children racing out to try something new. The huge selection of ideas covers all four seasons and ranges from quick 10-minute activities to a full day of fun.
playfsway Forest School Kit List


Play The Forest School Wayis the first book to share Forest School games, crafts and skill-building activities with families, its magical illustrations and simple instructions drawing children easily into a world of wonder.
stickbook Forest School Kit List

STICK BOOK ::: Forest School Ideas

‘A beautiful and inspiring book, bursting with practical suggestions which will appeal to every child’s imagination. I wanted to rush out to my nearest wood immediately!’ Julia Donaldson, author of The Gruffalo.
book Forest School Kit List


This book is a dream to read. It was written by one of the original pioneers of Forest School (as seen and discussed on the course) and provides the reader with a well documented and powerful insight into the reasoning behind everything we do.

The Essential Kit List – if you only buy a few items, make sure that you have these in your inventory

Only starting off and need a little help choosing just the essentials at first? Here are the items that we began with when setting up our own Forest School. If you have any questions, send us an email.

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Light My Fire :: Swedish Fire Steel

The highest of quality, purchase yourself a Light My Fire Swedish Fire Steel with 12,000 strikes.
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Pink Paracord

Easy to see and collect in. Maintain a minimal impact of your setting, whilst using a tough resource for those jobs that require it. 100m
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I love my World :: Chris Holland

The king of outdoor ideas is Chris Holland. Many imitate him, but this book is original and full of passion for nature.
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Built to endure and the perfect size for a small fire in a setting. This is a heavy object, so not something to transport to and from the site.
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A 3 metre x 3 metres waterproof, light-weight and high quality tarp. This order includes the guy lines and pegs for creating dens and shelters. Most importantly, it is GREEN so it blends in with nature. Blue is so last year!
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A different product to the one used on training, but this is a higher spec - Sandvik blade. It also boasts anon-stick clade coating helps blade glide thorough even the most difficult materials and a Bahco XT toothing that cuts in both directions.
mallet Forest School Kit List


A rubber mallet to bang in steaks, use with 'Billy Billhook' and for knocking pegs into the ground. A heavy bit of kit for the kids to use, but a necessity as a leader.
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Eco friendly, naturally based fire lighters approved by the Forest Stewardship Council. If your fire needs a little help to get going, but you don't want to use petrol based firelighters then these are a wonderful, albeit more expensive, alternative. They are also safe to handle as they ar made from vegetable fats.
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A natural product - made from hemp - that you can use as an alternative to para cord for knots in Forest School. This will also biodegrade and is more obvious due to its colour
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Choose from these tarps to find a size that fits you and your setting. Too large and the children will find them hard to work with. Too small and they may prove
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Use a padlock to keep your tool box locked safe. These simple padlocks fit onto the box nicely and use a three digit code for quick access and locking.
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We use these to store first aid kits, gloves for tools use and even blindfolds. Different colours for each and they can all stay out even if it rains. If the listed item is still out of stock then scroll down and select a different colour.
toolbox Forest School Kit List


This toolbox is strong, secure, large and waterproof. You can place a padlock on to make sure that it complies with safety standards regarding storage of tools. Please be aware that the larger sized bow saw listed on this page will not fit inside this box.
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A pair of these is vital for your fire lighting tub. These can withstand serious heat and so can be used to move pots and pans and logs too
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Ensure that you have one of these next to your fire pit at all times.
kneel Forest School Kit List


Used when fire lighting, this pad not only provides comfort for the user but also defines the fire lighting stations around a fire pit.
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100m of blue rope won’t go far, but offers a clear and visible boundary for the children and you to work with. It is also great when rolled onto an old hose pipe reel for quick use.
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Simply the fastest way to boil water and a fun way to use fire. This is not the more expensive version with pans and cups. but this is really all you need! The base is perfect for fire lighting without a fire pit.
rightsizedriggers Forest School Kit List


Glove too small, gloves not tough enough…we’ve tried them all. We found that these gloves are a good size to fit small hands but also those with bigger hands. These are suitable for KS1, KS2 and adults
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Having tried a number of brands and materials, we prefer the wooden handle and quality blade of this peeler. The handle is also thinner than some, perfect for smaller hands needing good grip when whittling.
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Fuss Free Cotton Wool

A big bag of fluffy tinder to use when fire lighting. It is always worth buying a few bags as they are cheap, perfect for the job and easy to store.

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